Crisis Management in Aviation and Healthcare

- Field: Aviation, Healthcare, Corporate Training
- Venue: e-REAL Lab at the Harvard Center for Medical Simulation, Boston, MA, USA; e-REAL Lab at the Polytechnic School of Milan, Italy; e-REAL Lab at the University Guglielmo Marconi, Roma, Italy; e-REAL Online Lab
- Simulation Team: Roxane Gardner, Rebecca Minehart, Cristiano Galli, Barbara Bertagni
- Instructional Design Team: Roxane Gardner, Rebecca Minehart, Cristiano Galli, Fernando Salvetti, Barbara Bertagni
- Multimedia Design & Tech Team: Matteo Lana, Rocco Luigi Tartaglia, Lejla Hoxha
Experiential coursework focused on learning and improving teamwork and event management during simulated aviation and healthcare cases. Modern aviation crisis resource management focuses on specific skill and competency areas including communication, situational awareness, decision making, problem solving, teamwork and leadership. Effective teamwork during a crisis is also a core element of expert practice in healthcare, wherein professionals are challenged to recognize a situation that requires rapid intervention, communication, knowledge sharing, decision-making and management of unforeseen events—all the while taking into consideration critical contextual factors such as a lack of time, scarcity of resources and tools, and a multitude of impactful factors. Simulations contribute enormously to enhancing teamwork during a crisis, as well as fostering situational awareness, contextual intelligence, and cognitive retention of essential steps and procedures to be performed. e-REAL yields better results for enhancing teamwork compared with those reached within the other settings available today, such as CAVE-like environments and highly realistic simulation labs, virtual reality head-mounted displays, or computer based e-learning environments.
Crisis Management Sample Scenario #1
Crisis Management Sample Scenario #2
Crisis Management Sample Scenario #3
Crisis Management Sample Scenario #4

Fernando Salvetti on Crisis Management in Aviation and Healthcare
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